White Men as Inclusive Leaders

Inclusion means that everyone is in. Even the white guys. Still, few white men in senior leadership roles have built a point of view that accounts for their advantages. It’s time that changed.

The global business case for D&I comes alive when white men learn to lead inclusively.


The good news:

For those who differentiate themselves as inclusive leaders—measurable outcomes exist in:

  • Revenue generation

  • Talent development & retention

  • Market share growth 

  • Productivity & innovation


The bad news:

There will be discomfort and missteps in earning an inclusive leadership brand.

This is particularly challenging because the words and actions of senior leaders, and especially executives, are often scrutinized.

Greatheart brings a strength-based approach to our work with white male leaders. 

We believe they already possess many traits required for this work: including a commitment to compete, generate greater value, positively influence their people, and grow as human beings.

We don’t believe white guys are fragile or broken, or that they need to be fixed. 

We don’t believe positional authority is a corruptor, but rather an opportunity.

We guide, engage, and equip white men to lead more inclusively through:

DE&I Strategy What does the effective and successful engagement of white men mean for the larger organization and its DE&I Strategy?

DE&I Strategy

What does the effective and successful engagement of white men mean for the larger organization and its DE&I Strategy?

1:1 AdvisingA six-month investment to develop their point of view and brand as inclusive executives.

1:1 Advising

A six-month investment to develop their point of view and brand as inclusive executives.

WorkshopsLearning events designed to galvanize male engagement to be active participants and allies in advancing cultures of greater equity.


Learning events designed to galvanize male engagement to be active participants and allies in advancing cultures of greater equity.

White Men’s Leadership Survey This gap-analysis survey provides actionable insights into views of white men’s DE&I performance.

White Men’s Leadership Survey

This gap-analysis survey provides actionable insights into views of white men’s DE&I performance.

Learning Options Options for self-directed and structured learning for white men and their stakeholders.

Learning Options

Options for self-directed and structured learning for white men and their stakeholders.

Peer Learning In-group accountability to challenge them, sustain commitment, and celebrate growth.

Peer Learning

In-group accountability to challenge them, sustain commitment, and celebrate growth.